The Blurred Nerds
lil bit and the geekfather chat about geek life
About the show
The GeekVengers present: The Blurred Nerd Podcast.
We are the official podcast of The Geekvengers and GVTV. Come join Lil Bit and The Geekfather as they ruminate about nerd pop culture, movies, TV, video games, conventions, tell the occasional personal story, and reminisce about old school nerdery.
Episode 32: The Blurred Nerds Episode 32
September 3rd, 2016 | 53 mins 49 secs
In this episode, The GeekFather has Lil' Bit explain more about what makes Dragon Con such a memorable event each year. We also discuss animators' sometimes bad treatment in both the film and video game industry as well as the new upcoming Batman 66...
Episode 31: The Blurred Nerds Episode 31
August 27th, 2016 | 1 hr 23 secs
The week we discuss some stories we've seen pop up online lately: A recent article from Den Of Geek - Are shared universes hurting movies? The upcoming CW Archie show Amazon pilots for Jean-Claude Van Johnson and The Tick A Stranger Things Fan...
Episode 30: The Blurred Nerds Episode 30
August 20th, 2016 | 1 hr 2 mins
Guest Alan returns to join us for the Big 3-0 where we chat and giggle about: The GeekFather's experience being apart of the Opossum Begins and seing it on the big screen The guys' night of partying the evening before Hitman movies versus the games...
Episode 29: The Blurred Nerds Episode 29
August 13th, 2016 | 55 mins 42 secs
This week we welcome special guest Alan Snyder in on our geeky shenanigans to discuss: The GeekFather gives his thoughts on Suicide Squad and we delve a bit into how DC handles their movie and TV franchises Our hopes for Wonder Woman and Captain...
Episode 27: The Blurred Nerds Episode 27
July 30th, 2016 | 56 mins 37 secs
This week we chat about GI Joe file cards, 80s cheesy movie series Angel & Avenging Angel along with other "bad" movies from our childhoods. A little convention and costume conversation thrown in there as well since Lil' Bit is feeling the...
Episode 26: The Blurred Nerds Episode 26
July 23rd, 2016 | 1 hr 1 min
Our love letter to our new obsession, Stranger Things on Netflix. This episode is spoiler filled as we just couldn't contain our excitement any longer. The GeekFather also shares his thoughts on seeing the new Ghostbusters, Lil' Bit finally...
Episode 25: The Blurred Nerds Episode 25
July 16th, 2016 | 1 hr 4 mins
The GeekFather's Birthday Podcast
Episode 24: The Blurred Nerds Episode 24
July 9th, 2016 | 51 mins 59 secs
Skinner joins the gang once again this week for a chat about: The Captain America comic reveal and other current comics Independence Day and other far apart sequels Sequels Vs Reboots Sequels we would actually like to see 12 Monkeys the TV show...
Episode 23: The Blurred Nerds Episode 23
July 2nd, 2016 | 1 hr 4 mins
Special guest, Skinner, from AC3TV, Fanboy Media & Art and The Nerd 411 joins Lil' Bit & The Geekfather on this week's episode where they discuss: Skinner's involvement in the San Antonio Geek community The local geek and media scene The new...
Episode 22: The Blurred Nerds Episode 22
June 25th, 2016 | 57 mins 34 secs
This week's episode we chat about: Action movies & stars of our childhoods vs today's Sci Fi movies & stars of our childhoods vs today's and we tried to get through a 10 question back and forth with each other after a listener suggestion, but...
Episode 21: The Blurred Nerds Episode 21
June 15th, 2016 | 1 hr 1 min
This week's show we discuss: E3 announcements Obsessively playing video games Some new shows and movies as well as development rumors surrounding Indiana Jones Pt 5, Aliens Covenant, Predator and more Our joy over the Sausage Party movie...
Episode 20: The Blurred Nerds Episode 20
June 11th, 2016 | 55 mins 15 secs
Special guest Eric Staples joins us once again on the podcast where we discuss: - Sims 4 removing gender restrictions - Shorter future seasons on Game Of Thrones - Meme Wars - Walking Dead - Reboots of Highlander & League Of Extraordinary...
Episode 19: The Blurred Nerds Episode 19
June 4th, 2016 | 54 mins 29 secs
This week we welcome special Eric Staples to join in on our geeky conversations. Topics this episode include: - a fond farewell to Ali - Rogue One reshoots - Watching cancelled TV shows - Gotham, Flash - movie & tv universes crossing...